Thursday, 29 January 2015

How To Catch A Night Runner [part 3, The Methods, Season Finale]

You may wonder why my craze for night running blogs never ceases. Well its because : I was raised in some archaic village where experiencing this weird athletic ordeal was not mitumba but first hand. Even the tin sheet roof recognized these darlings of the cold and dark night.

Who Is This Man ?

My friend Omondi Billy Arnold, ‘A night runner is a person whose business is to run at night , naked or half naked’.

My grandmother Gaudensia,’night runners are people who are completely abnormal by day and completely normal at night due to their compulsion to run at night’

My girlfriend Edith Nyaboke from Kisii, ‘Night runners are crazy people out for a jog in the cold. Perhaps their houses are too hot, or they have no bedding’

Nowadays in Nairobi there are night runners too. Most of them land in Nairobi as daytime watchmen for homes and companies. During the first months, before they settle and get a house, of course they cant afford night clubbing and they are too timid to be robbers so the best thing is to jog from Kayole to Kangemi and complete the race in Lang’ata Cemetry.

Where Does It Emanate ?

Night running is generally passed along the male bloodline and in some weird cases to ladies conceived almost the same time as the conception of male embryos. The good thing with the night running genes is that they are non violent genes which are full of DNAs (Defined Nuisance Activities) that focus on causing excitement and career enjoyment. Infact my grandmother’s case studies confirm that if you have a passion for night running, then it translates into daytime career enjoyment e.g. office work.

How They Do It

If you have read from my blog, Catching A Night Runner 1 and 2 and My Father In Law is a night runner, then for sure you are aware of how night runners do their stuff.
Some night runners are believed to have mystic powers and abilities that enable them to night run with animals e.g. cattle, dogs and even mongooses. Fortunately for cows and goats from the Central Province of Kenya, there are no night runners.

I hearsay that some cows in Central Kenya wish that they were born in Western Kenya Region (Nyanza and Western Province) so that they enjoy the ‘nightlife’. Only problem is that cows from Mombasa would be so tricky. You night run with it for long, it gets bored and tired and turns into a Cownosaur (dinosaur in form of cow). This one can freak you out as a night runner so you must also turn into something that will scare this Cownosaur away, e.g turn yourself into a Mchawisaurus. (Night – Runnersaurus)
Apart from literally scaring you to knock on deaths gate,  a night runner can scare you till you pee cold urine. Are you now scared ?

It is said that if you stop a night runner when he’s running, then the whole of his body swells. (Private parts included) So you must take good care whether you are from the hermaphrodite gender or any gender for you might find yourself deflating the swellings of the night runner.In short, you must be a night runner too in order to stop a night runner.Interfere with him and be ready to run for your life (Confirm from, My Father In Law Is A Night-runner). I hope my friend Omondi Billy Arnold is now answered.

What I Hate About Them

Night runners who have no animals to run with, have the behavior of nightrunning with humans who sleep walk. E.g. their neighbors, children and even wives. My friend Billy lives in Kayole but upto date, he still has no idea how he found himself in Kangemi yet he neither drinks liquor nor smokes weed nor sniffs the white lady.

But thank God, Kalenjins are not nightrunners. Billy could have found himself in Baragoi, Eldoret or Tinderet or maybe Kampala.

How To Catch This Jogger

The Donts

a)   Do not eat cold food.

These joggers are usually attracted to cold stuffs and thats why they love running when the nights are cold. So they might magnetize you.

b)  Dont laugh

Their acts are comic, e.g. jogging and farting to the rythm of the joggings. So if you laugh, they might think that you are a hyena or monkey hence they would make you their running animal.

The Do’s

a)   The Unbolted Door

If he is the type that kicks your door at night, just make the door look bolted so that when he comes and kicks, he lands himself inside your house. Then you can burn his buttocks with a water heater. If he hits the door with his buttocks, he will fall on his back and if she is a female night runner, it might be your lucky night.

b)  Pour Grease or Cow Dung

Pour these on your veranda or on the grass around your house and the belated jogger shall slide and probably break the pelvis bone of his nose.

c)  Razor Blades On The Wooden Door or Window

If he is the type that has no latrine at his home and uses your doormat as a latrine then wipes  himself on your wooden door, wooden window or the corner of the house, kindly buy several razor blades and place them on strategic places on the door, window or corner of the house. These blades will pierce his buttocks then during the day, you can now follow the trails/tracks of blood from his buttocks upto his house. This works the best.

[B.O.B A Whoof Deh, January 2014 (c), I am A Night Runner Too]

Friday, 16 January 2015

Never Will I Seduce A Girl On Facebook Again

‘Sweetie Cutext Mtamu.’ That’s how she called herself on facebook. I guess this un-binomial nomenclature meant that she was a Sweet , Cute and Tasty a piece of a human being who had just finished high school in the ‘X’ generation of Kenyan toddler high school leavers.

She was cute and if you remove the e from the word CUTE, she would do that to my salary with my full consent if I got any job.

I began inboxing ‘Cutext’ on facebook, sharing and exchanging photos. It was a blissfull experience.As the inboxes kept growing, the urge to see one another live live was too irresistible and we organized a quick meeting maybe for something like a moment so quick.

We agreed to meet within the confines of some unfinished house within our eastate. Now these unfinished houses within KayoleEastate are notoriously know for offering free romping venues for poor estate kids and self proclaimed ‘hustlers’ like yours truly.

At around 5pm I was already at the venue alone. I started calling the number she gave me but it was not entering or if it entered then she removed letter ‘e’ from the word ‘cute’ and applied that annoying three letter word to my phone call.

Suddenly from around the lonely corner of the venue, a mafia/ninja boy popped up with a fierce dog. So this was Cutext’sboyfriend ?He’s the one who had been inboxing me while pretending to be a lady. This was a thug with a Thief Dog. Probably a Mexican Shepherd just like policemen ownGerman Shepherds, this ninja owned a Mexican Shepherd. By the way Mexicans are historically known for stealing cars.

I started running to nowhere as these two counterparts chased me. I beat a corner then unfortunately slipped into a watery ditch a.k.amtaro.

I dragged myself out and slipped inside some tall grass next to the ditch for a hide.
The dog began licking me. The water from the ditch that was on my clothes was tasty I guess and as I began sweating, the dog licked me more because my sweat added salt to this dog’s delicacy.

I jumped up and shouted ‘Devil Resurrecting.’ The dog coiled its tailed and wheeled off as its owner the Mafia Ninja followed shouting, ‘Heeeelp!’
I was so thrilled at the magic only to realize seconds later that this ditch was a place where these mafia ninjas of the citytied, dumped or kepttheirvictims of robbery. Immediately, I saw a man in the grass silent like he was dead. He was probably a victim of robbery with super violence. The man’s legs twitched and he coughed. For a moment I thought he was a ghost. I almost ran away.

This man who was also ‘resurrecting’ from the grass told me to untie him so that we run together. Yes we escaped the thugs den.

[B.O.B A WhoofDeh © January 2015, I Will Forever Hate Blind Social Media Dates]