Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Those Who Fart In Swimming Pools and Rivers

Those of you who know a bit of swimming should hold this behavior as one of those sub hobbies that go unsaid in public.

For this session, let as refer to this hobby as a buttock blast. Buttock blast done when you are swimming under water normally smells more rotten. Do you know why ?its because the blast comes out of its palace as a motion of air. Then when it arrives at the water, it gets enclosed and becomes a bubble/bag of air. Since the air is hot, it travels upwards and as it travels, it boils and churns itself just like milk gets rotten on its own when put in a tight container that is free from oxygen. When it reaches thewater surface and bursts beautifully, the concoction is so stinky and fresh in itself. Its like harvesting fart. I think this should be harvested for killing mosquitoes.

So as a five year old kid, one day I was in ‘doofmpararo’(swimming in those roadside poodled ditches) and I decided to go to the ‘deep ends’ full of confidence as I took a deep breath to keep me alive under water. My friends would envy my swimming prowess.

Then while down that deep end, I let out a buttock blast that came in installments of first, one small bubble then two bigger bubbles and a smaller last born bubble followed the bigger bubbles like a tail follows a cow.

The blast was so big bearing in my stomach the mixture of beans, fish soup and other proteins whose names only appear in my vernacular that I had molested in the morning. The blast was so titanic that I felt like it made the water to boil.

The toads, frogs and salamanders around that water became so excited and started to follow my blasting organ. It’s as if I had put some spicy aroma in the water.

I didn’t have a swimming costume, so used to swim in this old boxer of my father that occasionally slid away from the rubber band fastening I gave it. It left my ‘things’ hanging out there in the frog and toad infested waters. You can picture a scenario of a short man whose legs don’t peddle faster in water due to the weight and height of the ‘things’ which also look clumsy as they also try to look like some extra padlles or life saving ped-ckets (life saver paddling jackets).

The frogs and toads looked hungry and angry with teeth sticking out like wood cutting saws and probably angry at the sight of my bouncing ‘things’.

At some point as my energy wore out, I saw some frogs going for salt and picking some green algae vegetation (vegetables) to accompany this free meal of my ‘things’.

The biggest frog that led this army of frogs opened its mouth wide ready to bite my ‘things’ and yes, it bit the one ‘thing’. The pain… ouch!

That’s when I woke up this morning to realize that I was dreaming that I was putting on my new jeans trouser and that its zip was tearing my ‘things’.

[B.O.B A Whoof Deh , 2015 © , Have You Ever Had Your Zip Tearing You ?]

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