Sunday, 19 October 2014

How I Stopped Sleeping In Class While In High School

It was an after lunch lesson and we had just eaten a heavily built githeri and uji (a mixture of beans and maize boiled together and served with a mug of porridge. This kind of meal was a perfect sleeping pill for fellas like me especially now that this Biology madam was taking long to come to class for the afternoon lesson.

I decided to take a small nap just before the madam came in. unfortunately, the nap got the better of me and I not only fell deep asleep but also began pouring thick saliva from my mouth while dreaming that I was playing cha baba na cha mama(a game of  father and mother played by children of between 4 years old to 10 years old).

While in the dream, I was given the part of a security dog because I was ugly when young.I was guarding the family of my friend Billy Arnold Maze.

As a dog within the dream, I was chasing people and barking while in real life,my desk mate Billy Arnold was pushing bones to be used for the Biology lesson into my mouth.

In the dream, I hid under a tree to wait for thieves while in class I was hiding under my locker which was in the front  row.

Madam Grace entered the classroom and taped me on the back and my classmates began hushing their tones, "SHSHSH!” While in my dream I thought I was being told to “shika" (catch).

I started chasing Madam Grace in real life while I was barking like a horny dog at the same time. I chased her upto the principal’s office

That’s when all the male teachers in the staffroom arrested me and tied me up with ropes. I was expelled for reasons like, "Smoking bhang in school with intention to rape.

 [B.O.B A Whoof Deh (c) 2014]

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